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NOTE IMPORTANT! Due to a website posting my patreon where anyone can steal my content, until I file a DMCA, patrons will have to join the discord to receive the avatar.

Cute little toothless avatar for $10 patrons and up <3

If anyone wants a recolour, feel free to throw me 5 bucks or something and i'll do one quickly for you <3 here's an example of a recolour. For complete retextures/more detailed mods there's the $35 and $60 tiers <3

Download links in the discord channel which you'll receive an invite to after pledging~ If you have trouble finding it: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role  



(No title)


Letty the Dragon

heya, is it still possible to get this? x




I've told my bestie about this one, he loves Toothless as a character!

Cattiva Enjoyer

I received a copy of this avatar in another VR program from a friend so I decided to pay the 10 dollars to make my copy legitimate. ♥ if you're curious and want more info, just dm me