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March Rule 34 Poll

  • 1. Durge X Durge 109
  • 2. The Arbiter 83
  • 3. Rathalos x Nerg 71
  • 4. Von Lyacon 37
  • 5. Bowser 80
  • 6. Grigori 66
  • 7. Cerberus 100
  • 8. Toothless 110
  • 9. Xenomorph 43
  • 2024-03-18
  • —2024-03-22
  • 699 votes
{'title': 'March Rule 34 Poll', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Durge X Durge', 'votes': 109}, {'text': '2. The Arbiter', 'votes': 83}, {'text': '3. Rathalos x Nerg', 'votes': 71}, {'text': '4. Von Lyacon', 'votes': 37}, {'text': '5. Bowser', 'votes': 80}, {'text': '6. Grigori', 'votes': 66}, {'text': '7. Cerberus', 'votes': 100}, {'text': '8. Toothless', 'votes': 110}, {'text': '9. Xenomorph', 'votes': 43}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 22, 17, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 18, 17, 24, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 699}


Please vote on your favorites! 


Vex Flailpaw

Lowkey surprised to see that Durge has been surpassed


Durge durge durge durge the brainrot, it never ends