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As I mentioned a while ago, I've been considering switching to a per month model as opposed to a per update, and the change has now happened. I was putting it off until all of last months payments went through to avoid any possible confusion. This change won't effect content, or updates, things will continue as regularly as possible, the only change will be that rather then me selecting points in development to charge for, things will be done once at the end of each month. This will save me a lot of work as I found myself struggling to find good update points. This also will give patrons more certainty with the length of their rewards. It will guarantee a full month of updates, streams, screenshots, etc. As opposed to the more sporadic model which could've ranged anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 or more. This change will give me the chance to add some milestone goals as well. As they get reached I'll be able to guarantee a more consistent update schedule. These goals will be added within the next few weeks. =) If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to ask. Thanks so much for all the support. It's truly appreciated! ^ ^


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