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Probably won't be much in the way of updates this week. I'm currently rewriting over a thousand lines of code (literally) so that it'll be easier for me to organize new tools and updates (hopefully). Once that's done regular updates should be back on schedule. In other news I'll be posting this months poll sometime tomorrow. I didn't get many suggestions this month so I'll be reusing a few of the old suggestions and possibly throwing in a few of my own. So keep yours eyes out for that. The poll will be up for a week like last time. =) Other then that, my office has been painted and is getting slowly closer to being usable again. If it's not ready in the next week I'll be doing a stream regardless, where I'll be likely continuing to work through this code, as well as doing some art. Thanks for all the support <3



Good luck with that coding. Not to put a damper on things, but I expect there won't be too many tool suggestions now that we've got the obvious ones in the game. All the half-formed ideas I can come up with all seem too end-game to be suitable.


End game stuff is fine if it gets selected it won't be added until later =)