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Hey you guys. I just wanted to update people on my situation. I'm currently without internet, primarily, I'm boring a laptop for the time being to post this, but don't have the chance to reply to everyone right now. I have a possible solution that will get my net fixed, but it may still be a few days before I can do proper updates. I'm really sorry for this, but I hope everyone understands. Even without the net I will still be doing work on the game, I just can't post any screenshots/builds/etc. To all the people who messaged me, thank you so much. A bunch of people made some awesome suggestions, and I promise I'll reply as soon as I can. I'm very sorry for this complication. Also I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support I've been receiving. 72 Patrons is a HUGE milestone for me, and I really can't describe how amazing it is to see that. Thanks for putting so much faith in me and this project, I'll do my best to keep you guys posted on my net situation, but it may be another few days. I'll make sure to do a more in depth post when I get back up and running. On a side note I've got some new designs and layout options in the works that I'll be posting (hopefully) as soon as I'm back. Sorry again, and thanks again for all the support <3


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