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Quick update on the current status. My boyfriend was visiting for the first time in two years for the first few days of the month. So I didn't get a proper start until a few days ago and I have struggled to figure out what I want this to be about.  I think I've finally settled on something and this is the current state of it. Like last year, (and even more so this year) this is about me getting words out, it's not edited or refined in anyway. I'm not trying to polish this, I'm just trying to hit 50k by the end of the month. So fair warning there will be a lot of errors I'm sure. 

For context, I'm going to be starting a new D&D campaign soon, so I decided I'd use this as an excuse to get some world building in. The story is essentially about a group of four adventurers retelling their escapades in an effort to convince someone to give them money. So it'll be a good amount of goofy shenanigans and hijinks. I've included a bit of a map, but this one isn't labeled yet so it probably won't help a ton, but for anyone interested.

Currently this is a very rough opening, but I promise there will be some proper smut not just comedy smut.

I don't know if I'll be able to hit 50k this time around. I have a very busy like 10 days coming up, which means I have only like 14 days (at best) to write 45k. I'm going to try my best, but it'll be tough.

November 11th Update.
Updated the PDF to include all the character's introduction stories. Gonna be getting into the meat of the story real soon. I'll also be away starting tomorrow, so next update may be a little ways away, but I'll try to keep ya'll posted!

November 18th Update
A new update, hitting a big writers block now though.



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