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Another update for ya'll. Including a fully custom summoner style class, a handle of new art, a new race and some subraces. Tweaked some minor wording here and there and added a few new monsters.

I gotta say as nice as LibreOffice has been to work in, some of the page layout and design stuff is lacking. That or I need to learn how to use it better. (It's probably the latter).

As with last time, this material is super work in progress and untested. I feel it's balanced but in practice that could be entirely wrong. Also my preference for balance is probably very different from what Wizards of Coast considers balanced. However, I am going to do a play test of this material on Friday January 29th. One week from now. It'll be streamed on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/anthrology where I do some other D&D stuff with friends. If anyone is interested in seeing some of this stuff played out, it should be good time. May end in failure but fingers crossed that I've learned what I'm doing.

I feel like this project has been a lot more open ended and I havent' had a super clear end goal for it, but it's been so much fun to work on. It combines everything I enjoy from world building, to character design and game design all at once. Thank you all so much for supporting this weird project. I hope it's been fun to look at and if anyone uses any of these rules please let me know how it goes and if you make anything game breaking so I can fix it.

At the end of the month I'll try to also post a few pages of just the rough concept art that doesn't end up used.

[File Deleted Temporarily, an updated version will be posted shortly]


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