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Very small text update and heads up. First, I'll be streaming a bunch tomororw (ideally).  I was going to stream today as well but that got shot because of important personal stuff.

As for the game itself. It's probably not going to be much of a game. I'm going to be trying to get some audio work done and hopefully flesh out the few puzzles for it in time for Halloween. But I don't have time to make it particularly spooky or probably even add a proper enemy. In spite of that, I think this is a really good tech demo and it's something I'm almost certainly going to throw onto future polls to revisit and hopefully flesh out.

This was a really good experience for me. I learned a lot. This is essentially the first time I've really worked with 3D for game development. I did one dinky horror game a few years ago that was technically 3D but only graphically and didn't actually utilize the 3D space mechanically. This new project cheats the 3D mechanically in a lot of ways but actually utilizes the verticality and I'm super proud of it. Especially since I'm using Gamemaker.

Beyond just learning a lot about rendering and manuevering in a 3D space I also learned a lot about shaders which I had very little understanding of. Shaders are still witchcraft to me but I can at least make them do some basic things.

I am definitely looking forward to the break from game dev next month and I'm looking forward to doing some writing. This has been a great experience but it's also been a lot of mathematical problem solving that I'm looking forward to have some time away from.

Anyways. This is my long winded way of say I'm extremely grateful to all of you for the support and for allowing me the opportunity to learn these new things. This has been a really weird but good month and I hope you all have been well.

I will try to have this... I'm going to just call it a tech demo now. I will try to have the tech demo out Friday in whatever state it happens to be.

Thank you again and Happy Halloween


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