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As I've been working lately I've been feeling overwhelmed by time. Specifically the time it takes me to update LMaO. When I started the project, I was really hoping I could just shoot out little update very quickly. That has proven a lot more difficult. Between art assets for items, characters, (eventual background), then writing, plus all the variation text, and implementing and testing. It's begun to weigh on me the scope of the project and the time it will take for me to complete.

Doing some rough calculations in my head which are likely still drastically on the low end in all honesty. Even if I cut a lot of content I'd been considering and wanting to add. This project will still take me several years to reach 'completion'.

I bring this up with a lot of hesitation because I am very aware that I have a problem with not finishing projects. Picaroon, my skeleton game, etc.

I'm currently feeling a lot of conflict and feel very overwhelmed. You're all supporting me here and I greatly appreciate it and really value your input. So I'd like to leave this to you all. Is LMaO something you think I should spend years working on? Is it going to be something worth that much of a wait?

If I continue LMaO I'll continue to update as frequently as I can, but it will likely be a slog. As I mentioned a lot more goes into implementing and writing this then I'd first expected. There currently isn't much of a way around this. I wish I had a better plan but the time investment for me to work on this alone is just too high for me to being doing bi weekly updates like I'd like.

If I don't continue LMaO I'll release all the currently finished assets to you all under a free use liscense (with credit). That'll include the Ren'py files, and all the art assets, sprites, background, ui, etc. I'll probably also release a PDF of the saucier scenes I've written that I haven't yet implemented. If people want to use any of it for their own projects they can. 

As for what I'd do after LMaO. I'd like to improve myself emotionally and help provide creative support for others. I have a very bad track record for finishing projects but I have very strong starts. To take advantage of that I'd start doing 1 month challenges. Each month I'd have a topic that I'd want to learn about. I'd then spend the month creating something(s) to learn about that month's topic and at the end of the month regardless of the state of the project I'd release it. I'd then (assuming I felt them appropriate) would release some or all of the individual assets under a free use liscense.

For example, if one month I wanted to learn Unity I'd likely be creating some kind of game to test things. Any assets I made I'd be able to release under a free use liscense. Another month I may attempt to make a comic. I likely wouldn't release the comic itself under free use, but might release any custom brushes that were used.

That's about all I have to say on it. It's very late, and I'm feeling very overwhelmed by the whole thing so I apologize if this just comes of as nonsense and rambling. I'd really love and deeply appreciate any input you all have. I am very torn on what I should be doing and I'm really torn on what is more valuable.

Thank you for any input you all have.



I really appreciate all the honesty. But if LMaO is cancelled, I'm not sure what rewards are being offered for patronage. Maybe pausing payments for a few months like some other creators do in order to get some time for yourself would give you a moment to breathe and decide what you really want to create. Maybe reaching out to other creators that could work on the parts you don't like would be an option? Doing it all yourself is definitely a huge task.


Patron rewards would essentially shift each month and also probably involve voting on what I did each month. The first two months I have and idea of what I'd do to test the waters. September would be a short comic challenge where I try and manuscript and draw a 10-20 page comic in a month. Whatever I finished would get released to patrons as I complete it. October I'd like to do another month game challenge like I did two years ago and try to throw together a little horror game. Just a very short thing to try and expand my 3D gamemaker knowledge. I'd then release any assets I make for that (models, sprites, etc.) to you all under a free use liscense. The following months if this format seems to work. I'd open up a poll with a list of options and let you all vote on what I do the next month. I have a handful of things I'd like to try and attempt, but I'd also take suggestions. Calling a pause for the time being may be a good idea though. That way I can take some time and test the waters to see what people think of this as a new format. If it goes badly I can attempt to push out more LMaO stuff slowly, otherwise continue doing smaller hard deadlined projects. I really can't reach out to other creators and ask them to produce content for me. I don't make enough from this to pay them and it'd be wrong to expect them to do work for free while I earn money on their work. Even if people volunteered writing or art I'd still feel pretty guilty about it. I do have a form open for submissions just in case but it is still something I'm hesitant about. (Reposting this because I finally realized I replied to the thread not this comment)