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Over the last 48 hours or so I was hit by a SIM scam. Essentially because of the way phone companies work here someone was able to have my number switched to a new provider. They then used that to access my e-mail accounts and from there gain access to my paypal and amazon accounts as well as limited access to banking information.

Because I had no phone it was near impossible for me to prove my identity and figure out what had happened. I spent 20 straight hours gaining access to my accounts slowly. I've finally updated most of my security and filed police reports. This entire situation has been devastating emotionally and physically with nearly 2 straight days of little to no sleep.

Due to the toll this has taken on me I'm going to be taking the rest of the week off to recover and let things finish getting sorted out. I'll likely stream sometime on Picarto but it will be doing personal work to try and recharge.

This whole situation has been incredibly scary and stressful and I urge you all to contact your telephone providers and have them block the porting of your number. This may be different for each country but currently in Canada at least it's a serious security issue. It essentially allows people to swap your number to another provider with minimal information and no background checks. Stay safe. I'll be back to work as soon as I can and thank you for your patience.



That's really rough, glad you got it sorted out.