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My trip to visit my bf has been going great, but I have had some downtime, so I've been using that to play around with a short game in honor of Halloween. Couldn't do a ton with it (doing this from my laptop without a mouse is a bit of a pain) but it's a fun silly little thing and let me play with Gamemaker Studio 2 some more. Learn the interface, play with some of the 3d functionality, etc.

I hope you all enjoy. And Happy Halloween!

Download - https://mega.nz/#!7QghXSCY!U8VGH57OjfN1Lcc4G0THMuXVTg2o3n2YNYxppVxsMhs

Alt - https://www.dropbox.com/s/zpy4ey4hxrecuqx/Halloween_dungeon_crawl.zip?dl=0

Music - http://incompetech.com/

SFX - https://www.freesoundeffects.com/

Sprites from - https://opengameart.org/content/32x32-fantasy-tileset


Mad as A March Hare

Was trying to grab but it says that the link is dead


I played this game in the evening and I was suddenly bitten by an invisible thing at a corner, and then I was away from that place, but I heard the chain's voice approaching me, which made me feel the ghost climbed up to me Back of the spine. Is this a horror game? I thought it was an erotic game.


Yeah, it's a quick horror game I threw together to test out GMStudio 2's pseudo 3D functionality. ^^;