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The following is a non SMS related post for the sake of curiosity and general entertainment: I'm curious what people's top 10 must play games are. I'm generally talking video games, but if you wanna throw in board games or cards games feel free to. =) Mine currently (in no particular order) 1. Home (a.k.a. Home Horror by Benjamin Rivers) 2. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 3. Journey 4. The Witcher 2 5. Heathstone 6. Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess specifically) 7. Portal 1 and 2 8. Dark Souls 9. Skyrim 10. Alan Wake Honorable mentions: Fez The Last Door Nidhogg Brothers, a Tale of Two Sons (I never played it personally but I watched a couple LPs of it and it makes me cry everytime so I can't imagine how hard it is to play XD) Super Smash Brothers Mario Kart So yeah, I'm curious what other people think. Comment, Discuss, etc. =)



With no particular order: Mafia (card game) League of Legends World of Warcraft (until Cataclism) Diablo (1, 2) Heroes of Might and Magic (2, 3, 5) World of Tanks Plants vs. Zombies (1) Poker Gothic (1, 2) Morrowind (the one and only fron Elder Scrolls series)


I'd really like to try out Morrowind and Oblivion at some point. Heroes of Might and Magic seemed neat too =)

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-03-18 07:11:40 The Ace Combat series on the PS2 Mass Effect Trilogy and DLC's Kingdom Hearts 1&2 Bioshock 1 Space Invaders on Nintendo 64 (really unique and surprising) Skyrim Red Dead Redemption Zelda: Ocarina, Awakening, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword Pokemon Red Amnesia
2014-10-28 22:41:44 The Ace Combat series on the PS2 Mass Effect Trilogy and DLC's Kingdom Hearts 1&2 Bioshock 1 Space Invaders on Nintendo 64 (really unique and surprising) Skyrim Red Dead Redemption Zelda: Ocarina, Awakening, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword Pokemon Red Amnesia

The Ace Combat series on the PS2 Mass Effect Trilogy and DLC's Kingdom Hearts 1&2 Bioshock 1 Space Invaders on Nintendo 64 (really unique and surprising) Skyrim Red Dead Redemption Zelda: Ocarina, Awakening, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword Pokemon Red Amnesia


I really wish I could get Bioshock to work on my computer. It always crashes the second I try to launch it =C


It's funny cause I only played it as the game came with Infinite. I thought that I should play the first one so I wouldn't be out of the loop. (Turns out that wasn't necessary) And while Infinite is awesome I played 1 over and over because it was just such a good game.


I actually watch my boyfriend play Infinite while I was visiting, and I thought it was amazing. He convinced me to try Bioshock 1 and I played like 2 hours before I got too scared. XD I thought I'd be able to pick it up and play it when I got home but I apparently missed my chance XC