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Hey everyone.

I've had to make a difficult decision. I very badly wanted to avoid going Amazon exclusive, for a variety of reasons, but numbers don't lie. Literally 99% of my sales happen on Amazon, and I hear from other authors that possibly the majority of people who pay to read LitRPG are on Kindle Unlimited. I've already missed out on probably a $1000 just because of the 'download fee' Amazon charges authors who don't enroll in KDP Select. At this point, it would just be financially irresponsible not to give in.

So I've taken the first 48 chapters down on RR, my own website, and here on Patreon.

Just to be clear, the webnovel will continue to its conclusion, you will still get a new chapter every week! but whenever I bring out a new book, I will have to remove the chapters it covers. My apologies.

Of course, if you want to (re)-read them, you can still do so by buying the e-book or paperback here.


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