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First of all, let me just say Welcome to my new Patrons, who appear to have found me either via the e-book. Thank you very much for your support! ^^

Now, I'm happy to announce that I am beholden to Amazon no longer.

I got fed up with Amazon's tactics—like enabling Digital Rights Management on my book even though I'd opted out, probably because I was using their proprietary format—so I've re-built the e-book as an EPUB and re-published it. 

This means the Amazon version now comes in the MOBI format, without DRM. Also, I'm using aggregator services to branch out to different stores. Unnatural Laws is now available as an EPUB on Kobo, Apple Books, Nook, and more, with more stores coming. 

Now, there are some cosmetic changes with the conversion—I personally think it looks nicer—but the main content is exactly the same, with perhaps the exception of a corrected typo or two that slipped through earlier. ;)

Anyway, you can find all the various stores where it's sold via this handy Universal Book Link: https://www.books2read.com/whisperingcrystals1

Feel very free to send that link to a friend, or post it somewhere interested people might gather ^^



So, I read the (old) Kindle version, and noticed a couple of things I didn't notice before... maybe you want the list, maybe you don't... Carol-Anne's name is misspelled at location 3774, and Fat Misty's name seems to change from location 2700 to 3748 (Sarah to Denise), unless Kaitlynn is referring to two different people somehow. I know this doesn't do you a lot of good after just rebuilding it, sorry.


Au contraire, thank you very much! Updating the e-book is a simple matter, even if it takes a bit for the changes to be pushed to the different stores ;)