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Those of you familiar with D&D--which I presume is most of you ;)--will probably know what I mean when I say I've recently gone down the rabbit hole of character creation. ^^'

It's eaten away some of my writing time, but it's for a good cause, because my GM is setting up a new campaign that's to be streamed on Twitch, and I'm going to be playing in it! ^^ 

The stream will be called Rules as Fun, and we're going to be playing Pathfinder, with a really cool variant magic-system called Spheres of Power. 

We'll be streaming on Sunday evenings (Amsterdam time zone, UTC+01:00) but the streams will be archived on Twitch and/or uploaded to YouTube in case people want to watch it again or missed it.

We're not beginning just yet, as like I said, we're still busy with character creation, but we'll be starting very soon. (I'll let you guys know exactly when, of course ;) )

So, if you'd like to watch me get up to shenanigans and roleplay as a Tiefling who's terrified of death because he owes a lot of people in Hell quite a bit of money, make sure to tune in to Rules as Fun! ^^


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