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So I just posted a video in the Supporters only channel on my Discord. It shows off a bit of an experiment on a sort of simple level randomization system. Basically each room in the game is tiny level which are placed in a list. When the game start The list  the list is shuffle and with the exceptions of Beginning, Ending, checkpoint level having fixed positions on the list. first room is loaded and when Yui enters a door the game unloads that level goes to the next level on the list and loads that one. Its a simple system that does allow some randomization on the rooms players get in what order. Issue though is that it does make a very linear level design and there is more loading between from one room to the next.

So there is some more experimenting and probably I'll let my supporters give this system a bit of a test run. Hard to say now, but who knows if this might be the best set up for the level in the full game. Or its just important to stick with levels with a fixed layouts. I'll make the choice in the coming days along with hearing some feedback.

Anyway if you want to see the WIP test of the randomization head to my discord.


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