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So as you all recall, one of the rewards for my supporters is once a month you see crude 3D Kinky Concept Artwork that will be used as reference material for creating a capture or punishment for the game. Along with Gold and higher supporters being allowed to post suggestions on what the concept art should be which Silver and higher supporters can vote on which one gets made.

Biggest issue is that in last few months almost no one is posting suggestions ideas during the start of each month. I can understand that probably a lot of people don't have have the interest, don't have any ideas to suggest, and/or prefer to be silent and just be an on looker in a Adult-Only focus project. However, without suggestions, I can't make a voting list, and in turn make the monthly concept art.

Now, some think the solution would be that I just make a few ideas and put them in a list to vote, but problem that I am pretty busy with the game that really don't have much ideas and needed to come up with a good number for voting is a bit trouble some.

So I am having some debates on what I should do. Wonder if most of my supporters are even that interested in the 3D Concept Art. So thought I do this poll to get an idea and help me think on what I should do.

What is your view on the 3D Kinky Concept Art?

If you don't agree with any of the poll options, please share a comment of your thoughts.



I personally pledge occasionally to just support. What i ultimately care about is to see more punishments. The gameplay of the latest build seems really fun and in good state. 3D Concept Arts are good but i would love to see them turn into punishments faster.