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[Update 2] - Hopefully this is the Final Early Access build before I release the build to the public. Honestly there is a lot here so can't really mention all of it, just note what is missing is just some animations and capture art. But hopefully all is good on my end. Of course please provide any feedback on the build.

[Update] - Large Update features reworked AI to the enemies, reworked the AI system, etc.

Okay, so been working on a new level layout for the Alpha Demo that features the changing camera, the Wax Doll enemies, etc. and current progress of it creation is at good state for my supporters to get early access to the demo.

Remember this build is still being worked on, so expect things like lack of sounds and music, lack of some animations, etc. and you might spot some possible bugs that I will iron out before releasing the demo on public sites.

As usual feedback is extremely helpful to me, so I like to ask that after you play the build you give your thoughts on the demo, does the new additions improve the gameplay experience, report any bugs, etc. in the comment section or on the Supporter-Feedback Channel.

Enjoy the Early Access build.




Took me about 19 minutes to complete. I did not backtrack to the 300 visions orb as it said there was nothing there, though I did accidentally backtrack to that room anyway at one point. Couldn't talk to blue haired slave girl, I'm guessing that was intentional. Pacman room was a fun challenge, though I was watching the mini-map the whole time rather than the screen. Overall looked and played well. It's on the right track I'd say!


thanks, so like to ask did you find this demo more excited, tense, fun, etc compared to past game demos?