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So working on some prototyping the level layouts and I do plan to allow my supporters to play them soon. I do want to try and post test builds more often (Monthly), but sometimes I worry that there needs to me more to the test builds to satisfy my supporters. However, I think I am worry to much sense again test builds are of course what there name implies and probably most of you are not expecting I release high grade builds every time. So wanting to make sure and clear my worries on this, I like to ask.

Are you alright with me releasing 1-2 Private Test Builds every month even if the test builds might be bare bone (at least from the start) in gameplay/content?

(Post a comment if you have any additional opinions)



Higher quality builds every few months is fine by me, as long as the dev updates remain regular and detailed. I've been burned by patreon games in past that veered ~way~ off from the concept I signed up for.


Not to point fingers, but there are some other games on my radar *ahem* happy heart panic *cough* that have been essentially silent in terms of content. They had a poll recently for a new enemy to be added, but the last update was well over a couple months ago, and they added one unfinished zone as well as a single enemy that wasn't even really worth the wait. Not to say your workflow is a snails pace (quite the opposite actually, I've been admiring your progress from afar), but if it meant at least seeing progress, monthly updates would be preferable. We would at least know that they're going to be somewhat bite sized, but at least we're getting something 😅


Just like to ask, care to give an example, like no need to mention the actual game, but basically mention what the original game was gonna be and what it became?


Test builds are nice, but I feel like putting them out every month means you'll be sacrificing time that would be better allocated towards the overall process of the game. I'd rather have fewer more complete test builds than one every month. A few posts about progress updates and maybe a short game play video every month is enough to keep me a supporter


I probably will change the word from test builds to something like W.I.P. Game Builds (Work In Progress). Cause its not like every build I present is not related to the game.