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Hey all. So I mentioned how I took most of last month to focus on working on the blueprints for the full game and hoped to have it all finished by this month. Sadly that wasn't the case, and while I'm definitely making good progress it's still going by much slower than I had hoped. I was really wanting to discuss aspects of the game's planning with supporters on discord, but sadly only a handful of people were available to chat with me. While I fully understand that most supporters are onlookers and/or want to avoid spoilers for the game, not having people to chat with for thoughts and opinions on aspects of the game made planning out the level layouts and story structure take much longer. Particularly when the supporters I could talk with had work hours, I was left with long hours of not getting feedback where I would be stuck on one thought about the project. Of course, I don't blame anyone for this, it's just the usual issue developers face when they hit a bump in the road while planning.

Progress is still being made and thoughts are slowly coming in on the design. Some current documents I've created have given me ideas on mechanics and systems I could experiment with, so there may be a new test build sometime near the end of the month - However, I can't make any promises on this.

Sorry for the situation and I really hope things will be picking up soon.


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