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Hey everyone. This might come as a disappointment to some of you, but there may not be a new Private Test Build of Early Access update this month. The reason for this is simply that most of my work this month was heavily focused on making diagram map sheets of the full game's level structure and design. While a bunch of diagrams and spreadsheets might not seem like the most exciting part of game development, it's still a very important aspect of developing a game. While it was no big issue throwing ideas and mechanics into an Alpha demo that primarily focused on getting the idea across and experimenting, but when developing a full game you want to have a clear vision of at least the skeleton of how the full game should be laid out and worked on. Much like a film/show starts off as storyboards, games really start off with diagrams and notes.

I'm heavily focused on getting this aspect mostly done this month, so I haven't taken any time away from it to think about what test build I could do or what I could update in the alpha demo. To be fair, with a plan and diagram of what is planned for the full game, next month should have a heavy focus on programming and building the levels to that full game, which does lead to test builds and better early access to the full game levels. I hope you all understand the situation.


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