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So been working now stop on this for the past few days, but I think at least for the Alpha Demo I have completely replaced 95% of the Store-Bought Assets in the Demo with custom 3D models that I created in Blender, Along with switching many of the textures with custom made ones by Tsinji.

Take note that this Private Demo is just the Alpha Demo with the new models, I do plan to do some fixes on some reported bugs and implement a new User Interface (no UI in this Private Alpha Demo), along with bringing back the game over the system with a new punishment image included, but right now I plan to take a break for a few days and will get to this stuff sometime after the 4th of July (You might still get Tsinji artwork update during my break). Anyway hope you all like the new 3D Models for the game.

Also note that due to the change and set-ups with folders and such in Engine to help things more organized and ready for some new steps in the development of the game, You will expect to see some art and sound is missing in this Private Alpha Demo.




Not fully sure I understand.