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Showgirls reView

Hey look! It's that movie everybody hates from that director that everybody loves! It's Showgirls! Several decades after its release, Showgirls has many reappraisals over the years but not by these two dim witted slobs. Is Showgirls a misunderstood camp classic or a genuinely terrible movie? Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between. Enjoy the video before YouTube shadowbans it!!!



When are you fellas gonna sit through Argylle and tell us about how much it sucks? I think this is what America needs most right now.

Manuel Johnen

We've got this now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcRCD49SwRw

Alison Ludwig

"Wow there's this weird trend of Hollywood child starlets becoming adults and doing sexually provocative films. So weird I wonder why that is." E X P L O I T A T I O N