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Well...here we are. Since we were so fascinated by Glenn Danzig's Verotika a few years ago, we were very excited that his new film was finally getting a home video release and naturally wanted to do a Best of the Worst spotlight. The movie is so boring and awkward and miserable that our brilliant effort to salvage the night was to REWATCH Verotika as well. We already discussed the movie pretty thoroughly on Half in the Bag but Tim and Rich had never seen it so   for context, we made them watch it. Everything about this was a bad idea.



Tim Fuglsang

What amazes me is that a man who has been (relatively) succesful in one artform, can be so fantastically talentless in another. His lack of self-insight boggles the mind.

Nada Leona Sheppard

I rewatched your HITB about Veroticka last night. I can't believe you willingly sat through that a second time. Bravo, lads. Your suffering does not go unnoticed.


I am so excited! I rewatch your Verotika episode every few months. I saw Death riders in theater...so quiet...much awkward laughter.