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Frazzled Doo

I cleaned my eyes with Q-tips for this.


That last take was the best


Merry Christmas, guys!


I actually didn't think Santa was Josh. It's amazing what different frames can do to a person's face!

Alex Brown

Rich's arch in this episode is phenomenal. From an insincere jolly beginning that doesn't quite match with reality, to a grizzled "Christmas is greed" conclusion that is hauntingly existent.

Bill Wilson

Rich Evans is rivalling Orson Wells in these outtakes. Inspired by excellence...

Joel Smith

In regard to Rich’s puns in this episode, We need Rich to stare at Mike intimidatingly and say “Now the student has become the master.”


How has no one mentioned manatee abortions yet?! 😂


...actually I'm still not sure how convinced I am that's Josh...


This was 100% worth my extra $10 this month for the Rich Santa bit at the end of

Bonorum Malorum

This was one the funniest out-takes!!