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Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episodes 5, 6, and 7 - re:View

Warning: Picard spoilers in the video. Mike and Rich continue their journey into the final frontier of fun, with Star Trek: Picard Season 3 - Episodes 5, 6, and 7! After an exciting and refreshing first 4 episodes, Picard season 3 might be hitting a few bumps in the road as the plot must now begin to take shape (no changling pun intended). Can a Star Trek series actually do something with a vengeful villain, a mystery-box-super-son, and a doomsday weapon/federation ending event? A demented version of Data/Lore/B4 with an elderly synthoid body is found guarding Daystrom Palace in the space. Picard’s mother has still hunged herself but Picard can say burgle to impress for success. Riker gets kidnapped by Honey Bunny after a birdman beats his face in and they've also kidnapped Troi. Geordi loves one daughter more than another because the one daughter likes engineering more. Worf thinks Picard's wine sucks. He's not the only one. Shaw does too. Shaw is a malbec man because he's a smart man. Shaw is a man of good taste. As is Worf. Worf loves Riker's eggs and that's not innuendo. When will Wesley Crushing It show up with the Traveler, that wacky shocker finger-shaped time/space travlin' creepazoid. #FATEOFTHEPLATE


Frazzled Doo

🐒💩💩💩 🧐 🙈🙉🙊 universally translate This’ shit


I think the Genesis II device was a double member-berry for both the device in "The Wrath of Khan" and for Gene Roddenberry's '70s TV movie (and failed TV pilot) called "Genesis II" - so it's 2 member-berries for the price of 1


lol, I saw a headline with one of the revelations from episode nine and I had to look up a recap to see how stupid this has gotten. Not watching this series, maybe it all plays better than it sounds but it sounds like “no one’s ever really gone” and all the other “remember BLANK” on steroids.

Matt Herlihy

It started off strong, but Mike and Rich mused out loud in the last 3-part review whether it was tanking into "Alex Kurztman Schlock" and... well...


Can't wait for the discussion for the last two .....having seen #9.....have to say ....Really ? Again ? What the hell ? .....Deanna's reaction or more importantly ......OVERREACTION......the big bad dark horrible is ......SNORE !


......Have to say, having been disappointed by (once again) the "CURSE OF KURTZMAN".....I just stumbled upon a far more terrifying opponent of the Federation, who, with today's technical special effects wizardry, would have been a perfect callback.....but alas,.......(more to follow upon the LAST two episodes )