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Half in the Bag: Wonder Woman 1984

Mike and Jay are back at Mr. Plinkett's house and take advantage of his new 125 inch TV to watch the biggest movie event of two weeks ago, Wonder Woman 1984! The movie that eeeeveryone loves!





Nice. Am super curious to hear what you boys think of this.


I'm so happy ya'll are tackling this movie.


It's a Christmas miracle!

Manuel Johnen

The beginning gives me serious "Dead Ringers" and "Multiplicity" vibes...


Thank you for saving me from the early-January blues!


Wohooo! I was waiting for this!


Low key... The noisy home while watching a movie is some of the best writing you boys have done.


All those streaming services listed off and no mention of Criterion Channel. Mr. Plinkett is missing out on all that Ingmar Bergman action.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

"We're back, baby!" Hell yeah! It's great how far you guys have taken your pre-show skits lately. They've become short films and I'm lovin' it. Now, to watch the actual review...I'm assuming you didn't talk about this for 50 minutes because you just had to point out all of the smells that you enjoyed from this turd-film.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I still really want Jay and somebody else to do a re:View for Cronenberg's Crash (or Paul Haggis' Crash, if they want to do a more comedic episode). Cronenberg? Check. Weird sex stuff? Check. Scary deformities? Check. More weird sex stuff? Check. It gets all of the checks.

Daniel E. Passaro

I am at 9 minutes, where Mike says “Do you want a beer?” This is sublime.


Da boiz are back! Thank god!!!


All I got out of this review is that you guys don't like female characters in leading roles


Shoutout to my public library streaming service, Kanopy.


Mascara, Jesus, Jay! 😂

Mike St Louis

About what I suspected. I’ll keep a copy of WW’84 in my sock drawer.

Manuel Johnen

WTF happened at the end?!?


For a little bit I suspected this was another prank review and it would be an hour of listing streaming services


She does renounce her wish as she walks away from Pine. Her wounds heal as she walks away from him. So she IS back to full strength by the time she puts on the Golden Suit of Plot Armor.


This is an awesome episode, thank you!


*slaps arm* hit me, fam.

Rick Drake

So was that power outage due to riots or chance?


"Somebody wished for a translator, I don't know."


I only watch RLM because I hate women, including (and especially) myself.


Now we need a RLM movie with more Rich Evans acting against himself.


That was the most laugh-out-loud, gut bustingly funny long open sequence EVER. Rich vs Rich into the schtick was PRICELESS. Imma increase my monthly donation just for that. ♥️ you fools.

Joe Triscari

What?! No Criterion?


She didn't renounce her wish midfight. She did it while running away from Pine after he was out of screen. She says I love you, I renounce my wish. That is why she was crying as she lassoed away. Forced emotion that doesn't work.


I agree with Jay about the lack of an authentic 80s feel. I don't understand how you can have a "fun" action superhero film set in the 80s and not have at least SOME 80s songs in it. Especially when that decade is so distinct with it's music, at a time when pop culture was really starting to take over. It makes no sense. I pretty much agreed with everything else they said. Honestly I could have listened to them talk about it for longer, haha. What a mess of a film.


Too bad Mr Plinkett never got the General Mills streaming service, he's really missing out! Hilarious episode guys, thanks so much!


There’s a decent horror novel called Body Rides about a guy who uses a magic bracelet to hijack other people’s bodies and after using it for good, he essentially turns into a giant creep by using it to enter women’s bodies without them knowing. Maybe they should have just based the script for Wonder Woman on that


What happened at the end irl? I don't think it was a complete power outage cuz some (but very few) of the lights are still on.


Maybe we should just pretend the lack of big-budget superhero movies extends into 2021. You guys look so tired of this shit. Or maybe you're just tired, which like, same.

Bort Ward

37:27, they follow 'Battlefield Earth' logic where an old jet is fully fueled and ready to go. To let loose my aviation background: The plane is modeled on the F-111 Aardvark which was built to fly from the US to the Soviet Union non-stop (so Cairo is feasible). However, to Mike's point, those suckers are loud, very very loud. Also, they tend to take the engines out of museum pieces.


I'm surprised Mike didn't like it more. He loves Schlock the most. And this movie was ALL Schlock. Which worked for a while and then became unfathomably bad.


Guarantee Patti Jenkins saw Wish Upon and was inspired.

Marvin Falz

First, I love that HitB feels like HitB again, you know, with skits, an over-arching story-line, mystery, foreshadowing and such, all done in a silly, fun, entertaining way. Second, maybe the writing of WW84 is like the writing of the book "Laura's Ghost." While reading the introduction and the first interview (Sheryl Lee) I got the feeling that the writer would have loved to go full feminism, but had to restrain herself. So what Sheryl Lee had to say about her experiences with acting and about her own life was really interesting, but when they talk about women and men in general and in the context of abuse, it becomes stereotypical and dogmatic, but it's still subdued enough to not feel like woke garbage. The writer of "Laura's Ghost" supposedly wants to inspire debate about abuse, so she excludes all the men, and seems to say that all men (except for David Lynch?) are abusers by default. It's not like there has been no debate whatsoever about these topics ever before. Therefore I suspect that this is another attempt to take over a beloved franchise and use it and the influence of actors to further an agenda.


my guess is a circuit breaker tripped. Seemed like maybe it had happened before they way they reacted


Can someone explain “this movie is the cinematic equivalent of the blues mobile” analogy?


You sweet summer child, here’s the Cliff Notes explanation https://youtu.be/QfN1GRqKXpM. You should watch the whole movie for context though


I’m quite familiar with the movie, I didn’t know they were referencing just it’s demise, but that makes total sense. I was also remembering how blues mobile can also flip backwards, jump bridges, and fly sort of...it’s been years since I’ve seen it


You guys really hit on every single complaint about this movie. The movie was just too much. RLM 10 years in and still killing it with great content and deep, intelligent analysis.


I can't speak for Mike, but I'm guessing that WW84 didn't lean heavily enough into "schlock" territory. It was a mess of a film, but not a obscenely bad "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" type of bad that becomes funny. Well, this gives me good reason to watch episode 59 of Half in the Bag to review his opinion on it.


The first Wonder Woman begins with her talking about what a great fuck she is and then they go shopping.


I found the best part was the original skit. WW84 seems so boring even the review was somewhat. Thanks to RLM for sparing me 2 1/2 hrs. of my life.


Empty Platitudes: The Movie! I am really grateful Mike and Jay took the time to articulate (and actually show) the dreck that Jenkins tried to pass off as profound or inspirational. It went on and on, like a brain-dead soccer coach trying to channel gravitas where there is none. I'm with Mike, bad movies (or scripts or characterizations) are bad; the lead(s) being female does not create some kind of caveat or exemption, where criticism you'd give to any other bloated, messy, tonally inept superhero movie is now magically sexist. No one can spot hackery like a hack fraud... favorite part: Mike playing the part of a hypothetical(??) loud, messy and obnoxious cheesehead theatergoer, with Rich's hilarious assist. I missed that about HitB! xD


Minutes 8-10 perfectly capture the experience of trying to accomplish anything of importance at home, including recreation. Thank you again, RLM.

Jessie Zimmer

"Also, they tend to take the engines out of museum pieces." I don't know why this makes me want to laugh/cry, but thank you for fact checking the idiocy of this movie.


Mike unclipping his microphone and walking off set to grab a cold beer is how I want to live 2021.


Truly... An instant modern day classic. Keep hitting them home runs DC!! In you we trust


Yeah, it's an important point I feel gets lost in shuffle as the internet picks sides in these type of discussions. But this is what's embarrassing about life for the past few years, that we are so polarized that we have to defend/attack people or things because they are or aren't members/ideas of our "tribe". A bad movie is a bad movie, and criticism doesn't necessary mean you are a "hater" if there's valid points to be made. Which is why RLM is so good at what they do. I feel like when they do reviews of films such as Ghostbusters 2016 or Captain Marvel, they're quick to point out the hypocrisy of both sides, talk about the controversy, then judge if the film is worth watching on its own merits.


I truly enjoyed this review .....and the first fresh "Oh My God" from Rich was a huge treat. Two things that bother me about Gail G's acting .....>1< I am well aware that she can't help her accent, but, during the brief, brief snippet of another amazon tlking to a young Wonder Woman, does the voice of that other woman have a similar accent ? - as if to retrofit Wonder Woman's speech pattern to growing up on the amazon's island ? ( ie: do they all speak English with similar accents ? ) and >2< Was Patty Jenkins trying to imply thar Ronald Reagan was a hawk, ready to blow the world up with Nukes ? - because, as he progressed in his presidency, he and Gorbachev nearly came to an agreement to eliminate many nuclear weapons - but then I'm expecting that the same person who wrote what sounds like a huge, sloppy mess of a movie would actually know that much detail about the 80's ......which consisted of nothing more than "New" Coke, Bananarama, Fanny Packs, Members Only Jackets, shopping malls, "Back To The Future" sequels, Pagers, and Donald Trump's acting debut .....


A few have mentioned this already, but yes Diana does in fact renounce her wish right after she leave Chris Pine behind in the alley. Though I don't blame you guys for not noticing it, as you mention in the review, it's hard to understand without that visual cue of Chris Pine disappearing/her suddenly only seeing the other guy/whatever. I had to go back and rewatch myself multiple times during my first viewing because I was so confused, but you do actually see her wounds heal when she says her renouncement out loud. It's hard to pick up on cause the scene, like much of the film, is so visually chaotic. Also, pretty sure she runs way faster and jumps way higher right after that than she should be able to without powers (to say nothing of her learning to fly in mid-air). But really it's part of the bigger problem you touch on in the review, that being that the film is badly inconsistent/unclear about how/when/what is "taken" when the wish's "price" is extracted. I mean, we see Diana get wounded by a bullet in the Egypt chase scene, and I guess we're supposed to realize it then, but I was thinking at that point - is she supposed to be bullet-proof? Like, Superman bullet-proof? If she is, it really deflates that whole famous no-man's-land scene in the first movie. Unless she gained the power to be bullet proof later in that film and I forgot like I did most of that movie. But even still, she's kicking over cars and lassoing around like Spider-Man even after that, so is she gradually losing her powers? This is not a nitpick - it goes to the core of the film and the supposedly "agonizing" choice she has to make regarding Pine. Had more clever writers been involved, they could have played up the angle of Pine having to inhabit the innocent guy's body, and the repercussions that has (why did he need a living body? does the guy have a family? co-workers? anyone wondering where he's been the last few weeks?), which leads Diana to have to make the agonizing choice because, you know, heroes aren't supposed to hurt innocents for their own selfish gains. And yes, it makes her going back to retrieve the gold armor before confronting Max completely pointless, instead of just mostly pointless.


My biggest takeaways from this much-welcomed comeback were clones (!) and that a Hallmark movie guy plays the man who gets possessed? inhabited? by Steve at the end.


This movie is a piece of shit. They're all irredeemable pieces of shit. We make the mistake of regularly watching classic, great movies in the house, and it makes 99% of modern stuff cringe-torture.


Randy Orton is only apex predator there is!!!!


I couldn’t believe I was watching a movie with a plot like this. How did they say, “ this is gold jerry, gold!!!”