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Best of the Worst: Christmas 2020

Mike, Jay, Tim and Rich Evans watch terrible videos to celebrate a terrible year. When is it time for the coffin?



Cheers lads!


Way more excited for this than Christmas itself


Merry Christmas fellas


Merry Christmas guys. You bring joy to our home with every video you make!


YAY!!! Tim is back! Merry christmas guys, and remember: "spit on it!"


Tim meshes with you all so well. I always enjoy when he makes an appearance!


Up votes for all. I'm like the people on Orville's majority rules planet


Happy holidays fellas!


It's here, it's here, it's here! With 100% more Tim! And nobody died! Merry Xmas, everyone!


It’s going to be a merry Christmas indeed!


Yass its Tim! Please have him on the panel more.


Knowing what I know about these hack frauds, they prolly chose the tapes beforehand, it wasn't random. 0/10 my night was ruined... Unsubscribe


I think Tim's homeless wino chic is bold.


Happy Christmas!


Fun fact, the leader of my former country was executed on Christmas. Also in reference to the first video a lot of Romanian orphans died of AIDS in the 80s. Merry Christmas everyone. I'm drunk.

Andre K

Happy christmas everyone!


Merry Christmas, thanks for the new episode!

Bort Ward

Remember, it is not premarital sex if you never get married.


A very safe and merry Christmas to our RLM boys! You guys are such a joy to watch, especially in these pandemic days. Eagerly waiting the next TNG discussion (or possibly DS9? 🤔)


Who is tim? Which episodes has he been on?


More nerd crew. My $6.66 patrion donation should well cover the production costs of an episode or two.


Tim is the Christmas gift that keeps on giving, even when he's had enough and has to drive home

Carly Robinson

I'm, like, 99% we were shown Small Change in my elementary school


I’m glad I finally know who wrapped the tapes! Rich Evans you did an amazing job 👏🏻👏🏻


Can you guys make a show with just Mike explaining murder cases to Rich lol

Bort Ward

I don't know why, but I really like that low camera angle.


Yay! Last ep i watched he was drunk as fuuuck. I don't watch in any order... and we all usually drunk in Scotland 😂


Spoopies! https://youtu.be/6hHyn29O81k Although can't mind the ep he was drunk as fuck. Maybe black spine 2? Dunno


There's a 50% chance I'll like this episode *not backed up by science

Brian Stodola

I can't unhear the Roger Ebert voice.

Jessie Zimmer

"Statement not supported by science ..." this was how I knew the episode was going to be great. Lovely to see Tim on the panel. Hope y'all have a wonderful holiday season.


Rich Evans: Master Pumpkin Carver, Expert Present Wrapper


Hour and a Half plus?? Merry Christmas to me, thank you RLM gang for so many years of amazing content!

Manuel Johnen

I ca... Christmas came early this year...


I love that this is a surprise 1 and a half hour Black Spine episode!! What a great christmas present! Thanks guys! :)


Great job, everyone. Tim should come by more often! For those of us trapped away from our families, this does feel like visiting with loved ones. Sorry for the sappiness.


What's really frightening is how much Mike knows about the two Peterson killers. A real connoisseur.

Jessie Zimmer

I just got to the Blue Barrel segment. I laughed through the whole thing. Thank you. I think that might win best tangent of the year.


Great episode! :) Drunken Mike and Drunken Tim are a great Christmas gift and is a nice touch to help heal the hole in my heart caused by the disappearance of Drunken Jack.


God I love Tim, he dresses how I feel and also how I dress. Mike please feel free to ramble on about ghosts and serial killers and true crime shit whenever you get the chance, it ironically fuels my life. Merry Christmas guys. Thanks for everything. 🖤


Great episode! Fingers crossed the Patreon exclusive clip is just the unedited Petersen spiel from Mike. 🤞🤞

Daniel Ellis

Tim is great! Great episode, Merry Christmas!

Marvin Falz

The creative editing with clips from the video of the "psychic" woman, who stared into the camera and probably thought she's transmitting her mental content into the viewer, was great to watch. The music choice is fitting, like she's dropped to much of the LDS. And when her blinking stopped in the middle, her face reminded me of the Star Trek episode "That Which Survives." where Losira's recorded message, where she explains what has happened to the expedition, ended with her eyelids closed in the middle of a blink. ("That Which Survives" is one of the episodes of season 3 with an interesting premise, but a poor execution.)


Great episode, RLM. Tim is up there with Jack and Josh as top tier BOTW panelists. Also Mike and Tim really hit the booze hard this episode.


Small Change proves to me that anyone could animate a movie in MS Paint and actually get distributed in the 80s as long as they sell to public schools.


Thanks to Tim I've started rating movie explosions on the grim reaper scale. He's a keeper.


I want to see Tim star in a motion picture about an angry drunk single parent who never finds redemption.


She knows where her biscuits are buttered...


Man Tim is gets funnier and funnier the more alcohol he drinks 🍺


Great episode! Thank you


That was fun guys, thank you!


"oh barry". Rich, those were my thoughts too


Whoever updated the Second Chance Wikipedia page to mention they are mentioned in this video, I salute you!


Dream Bunny looks suspiciously like Sam Kinison. Too bad they didn't run with that. Also, let's not forget what 1988 also brought us: Christmas With Dennis.


Great episode! Glad to see Tim back - he's such a perfect fit for the show. I'd love to see a BotW with him, Jack, and Josh all at the table together.


CONSPIRACY. What was on the first tape that Mike opened in the beginning? It was not shown! Jay opened the only blank tape present that was displayed on the BOTW table. These HACK FRAUDS are trying to deprive us of a terrible VHS tape! Release the Bauman cut!

Marvin Falz

Merry Christmas! Blessings. Although it seems that this terrible year will carry over into the next year, and things are about to get worse all over the world, I actually feel optimistic again. I hope all of you do too. If not, then I wish you optimism and discernment. Merry Christmas.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

This was one of the best episodes. I love how creative you guys have become with editing and skits. The beginning was an instant classic. Happy holidays and thanks for the laughs!


Merry Christmas from Texas you guys. Love what you do.


I need to see Second Chance vs Magnum Force in full, please upload it for future generations.


These are the only Christmas specials I'm watching from now on.

Juan Calvo

This has to be one of the most wholesome revenge films I've ever seen.

Daniel E. Passaro

Video is wonderful so far. Please tell the management we like the Tim.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I always think to myself that there's someone somewhere out there who grew up watching Christmas With Dennis every year as a child, and I want to meet that person and ask them what their parents are like and whether they feel any lasting trauma from the experience.


Holding off on watching this until Christmas day.

Twisted Wishes

Fantastic! Now we need the season 2 Mandalorian review, followed by Discovery season 3. Then The Expanse!!!!!


"Second Chance vs Magnum Force" is on YouTube


I am only watching the awful Discovery Season 3 in anticipation of the RLM review.


What true story blue barrel murder where they talking about and is there a doc series about it


THAT... was what I needed!


Second Chance vs. Magnum Force is the Christmas miracle we all needed. Thank you so much for this Black Spine episode - it was truly magical.

Peter L

Pure gold.


I know its harder to make but this long form content is 10/10 great work guys


Tim has a bit of a Dennis Hopper vibe going in spots.

Kendel Fargo

So wonderful, now all of my Christmas wishes have come true! Please keep up all the great fantastic work👍🎅🏿👍!


Second chance vs magnum force end credits has surviving edged weapons as recommended viewing. They are in the same cinematic universe!!


Michael Tucker and a Jill Eikenberry to all!


Awesome episodes guys, have a great holidays!

Gar Kelleher

Holding out for a surprise Christmas commentary track! *Crosses Fingers* Happy Christmas to all at RLM!