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The Halloween Best of the Worst is coming later this week. Here's the spooky preview of the three movies we watched. 




Anyone got any ideas?


Hook it into my veins.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Woohoo! I have no guesses for these movies, but the second picture looks 100 times worse than any prop you guys have ever used (even in Space Cop). By the way, I noticed "1981-2019" on the sketch for the "B" tombstone in the last post. What was that supposed to refer to?


Is that referring to the year Surviving edged weapons came out?


The middle one is "Hollow Gate" (1988) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0150931/


Yayyyyy!!! I can’t wait to laugh and be terrified at all the spoopy ghosts 👻

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

"Spoopy" has been my favorite word since that episode, even though I've had exactly zero occasions where I could use it.


My guesses: 1. Corey Hart's lesser-known followup to his hit single, "I Stand in Front of Cars in My Sunglasses at Night" 2. "Suicide Can Be Adorable! Reducing the Trauma for Your Loved Ones" 3. "Do's and Don'ts for the Blues Harmonica"


Was hoping for satans little helper lol


I just got done watching through all the old Halloween BotW episodes! It's become an October tradition for me now. Super pumped for a new one this upcoming week! I just joined this Patreon. You guys are my favorite people who talk about movies on the internet in a comedic fashion. I'm happy to throw some money your way!

Nicole Veneto

Someone cross reference all the heavy metal horror films the frauds have on the shelves since it’s tradition.


"Hack-O-Lantern" was just added to Shudder U.S.

Bort Ward

I can hear the 80s synth soundtrack in my head from that first movie still.