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Rich Evans Reacts to 2020 Movie Trailers

Rich Evans takes a look at all the new and exciting upcoming movie trailers to kick off 2020!



Rich! Rich! Call your sponsor now!


Fuck You It's January Rich Evans!


Ugh....surprised they didn't just announce Cats 2.1.


Noooooooooooo! Don't defile yourself with drink, Rich Evans - leave that to us mortals.


“Is this a screensaver?” 😂


A suit and tie? Bring back the Pacman shirt!


"For dummies" is a bit redundant on a ghost hunting book, isn't it? (Just kidding, I love you Mike!)


he looks just .. so old


This is the highly GIF-able Rich Evans content I'm here for.


This morning I woke up planning on killing myself, but I'll be okay now that I know there's life for RDJ after Ironman. #blessed

Lauren R

Rich Evans doesn't drink but when he does he just drinks hard liquor right outta the bottle.

Marvin Falz

Red Letter Media, the only review and film production company which makes me hates movies - and I'm loving it! *slide whistles simultaneously in both directions*


I'm still not sure where those little blue people were playing a Daft Punk song was a real movie.


Nice suit, Rich. All you guys should wear three-pieces one time; class up the joint a little. Maybe for a mafia movie?


Fuck you, it's Januaryyyyyyy


I nearly had an aneurysm from all the garbage... Fuck you it’s Forever!!


"Fuck you, it's 15 years ago!" might be the new motto for Hollywood. I didn't realize it until recently, but like Jay I'm getting so tired of nostalgia.


The fuck is that guy


I work at a movie theater and I'm highly contemplating on changing the trailers we have to just this.


Rich Evans no! Don't drink that caramel colored water for January! Fuck January! It's not worth it! Save yourself!


If he does this twice a day, he might match up to Mike (wotw persona).


For a minute there I thought it was that kid that wears a suit and tie to review fast food items.


Now you did it, Hollywood! Rich Evans has been sober for a couple decades and YOU BROKE HIM.


Expected timeline for the next decade. 2025.....where trailers are 30 second tik tok social media posts and the Red Letter crew does nothing but glare at the screen in complete and total disgust without saying a word and chugging the cheapest whiskey on the market. 2027...... The Patrons of RLM need to go fund me a new liver for Rich and Mike. (I think Jay will be alright.) 2029....... Rich, Mike and Jay go on a homicidal killing spree of Hollywood after the Die Hard reboot pushes them over the edge.


Imagine Rich's reaction as part of this video if Mike and Jay made him watch another trailer for a January 2020 release, Picard. Fuck You It's January will never end. REMEMBER KIRK?!?!


What that exciting biopic The Man, DeLorean? I hear it has baby jawas.


Nothings ever really gone. Can't wait to see the morally and creatively bankrupt Hollywoods next year of garbage. On a side note Ricky Gervais is my hero now lol.

Hunter Clifton Mann

Thanks for screwing up my whole year, Rich Evans!