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The Last Dragon - re:View

Mack and Mike team up at last to discuss The Last Dragon. Can Mike stay awake the entire review?!? Watch the whole thing to find out!!!



This is the only reason in my life to get out of bed


I love this movie! Will watch this later today. I hate it when work gets in the way of fun.


This seems to pair with Streets of Fire.


I love cheesy movies from the 80s. How did I not know about this movie? I'm happy to see Mac is back as well.

Robert Daniel Pickard

Sho Nuff looks like a prototype TNG Klingon. It's wonderful


Re:view ! Oh, Maculkin.


I love that you guys have developed a rapport with Macauley. You gel really well, I don't get tired of seeing him as a guest.

Daniel Frank

I'm really digging his career resurrection (appearances here, the clickbait-parody site, etc)

Eben Sullivan

I haven't thought about this movie for about 25 years, thanks for the memories!


I agree with Hamson above. I watch everything RLM , but I get a special kick out of the chemistry you fellas have with Macauley. I really enjoy his contributions to the shows.


Christmas BOTW suggestion for 2019: Christmas or Cameron Mitchell.

Night Akula

Loooove RLM... but I’m sick of Maculkin....


I had caught this on TV at some point during the absolutely terrible song by "whatserface" (Laura...Lisa?) so I never realized the rest of the movie was eccentric and fun! Might go back and give it another shot with my bad movie buddies.


It's a terribly great movie. Saw it so much as a kid and still love it for how ridiculous the whole thing is


Mack rules

Marvin Falz

That was a weird and very much appreciated experience. I read "Laura" three times, which lead me to watch the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me re:View, which lead me to order the audio version of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer. So, thank you Mack and Mike!


I enjoy Macauley, I just don't like how he FORCES you to hang out with that vagabond Rich Evans.


For years I thought Bruce Leroy was some kind of racist saying.


Channel your inner Lucas and sell that shirt design.


Think a Rich and Macaulay review of Home Alone 1&2 is a possibility?


Well, now I know where Busta Rhymes got it! "Sho 'Nuff" has echoed through my head ever since I saw his Dangerous video in the 90s.