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Exorcist III - re:View

Mike and Jay talk about the underappreciated Exorcist III, starring Brad Dourif and George C. Scott's bulging forehead veins.



What a great way to wake up


Something to look forward to after work. Thank you, guys. You always make such enjoyable videos.


I can’t wait to watch & laugh. It’s the smiles that keep us going, don’t you think? The little giggles and bits of good cheer.


When Jay said he'd get to this. He meant it.


Jay, that is a great Twin Peaks pin!


If Mike is looking for a Star Trek holiday: “Fans of the sci-fi series Star Trek celebrate First Contact Day on April 5 to mark the day in 2063 when humans make their first contact with the Vulcans. The day is celebrated as a minor holiday in the Star Trek world and made its first appearance on the episode named Homestead in the Star Trek: Voyager series.”


I’ve got my “mid 21st century civilian clothing” all ready.


Did a quick search for the editor of the film. His first three films were Star Trek The Motion Picture, Escape From New York, The Thing! Carpenter and Star Trek overlap and they didnt even know it


Well done, guys! Excellent episode of re:View. I am so glad that I’m not the only person who loves Exorcist 3. I saw it in the theatre during its initial release in 1990, and have loved it ever since. (Personally, I think it’s better than The Exorcist.) And when I heard Jay say that the hallway scene was [paraphrasing] “the best jump scare of all time,” I felt an odd feeling of being validated after 27 years of waiting — because that scene IS the best jump scare in any movie. Anyway, thanks for this awesome re:View. All hail RLM!!

Manuel Johnen

"The only problem this movie has is that it is called "Exorcist III" and that there was a part II (also... a terrible part II) before it... which all but guaranteed the critical panning it received back then. Scott's performance alone is so good... can you imagine he was nominated for a razzie that year...? What the...? :/

Lauren R

Jay that Twin Peaks pin is awesome! Anyway, I think The Ninth Configuration is still on Shudder. It’s an oddball movie for sure, that’s ultimately an excuse for character actors like Jason Miller to act looney toons. Recently I was at a panel with Tom Atkins, who also had a role, and he said he would love to write a book about the movie because the production of the film was more bananas than the final product. It’s worth a watch for sure.


I watched Exorcist III for the first time this weekend and thought it was hilarious--not scary at all. I'm easily frightened and find even the tamest horror movies too nerve-wracking, so I was a little surprised (and relieved) that this one came off like a comedy in parts. It was still enjoyable, though, especially George C. Scott's exuberant performance. I would definitely watch it again.


I was pleasantly surprised how much Mike liked the movie! I wasn't expecting that.


The carp stuff was in the book Legion by the way


Please, dear God, do a re:View of Near Dark. You guys always find the best movies to discuss, but Near Dark is currently unavailable in any meaningful way, and deserves to have a new life breathe it into it.


Agreed about "The Ninth Configuration". I've only seen it once, and I'm about ready for a re-watch. I just checked and it's not on Shudder anymore, at least here in Canada. Poop.


Unfortunately, Exorcist III was never eligible for a MTV Movie Award as the MTV Movie Awards did not begin until 1992.

Marvin Falz

I was wondering if there is such a thing like "emergency exorcisms," when there's an imminent danger and nobody answers the phone in the Vatican.

Simia Canis

Former Surgeon General C. Everett Coop also appears in the restaurant scene. He's in the foreground just before it cuts to Larry King.

William Sircin

Did Jay catch the screening of Deep Red at the Oriental this evening? I'll confess I was hoping I'd see him there but I didn't


"The Rescuers Down Under", is still George C Scott's best movie.

Gar Kelleher

Is there a Best of the Worst due soon?


I liked the carp stuff but I thought everything else about this film was bad. I don't understand how they liked dourif's acting. This is the first time I've really disagreed so strongly. I won't suspend my patronage but they are in thin ice. Happy Halloween!