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Half in the Bag: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Mike and Jay talk about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the new film from Quentin Tarantino where people talk a whole lot.



Goddamn Rich Evans! This is so jarring. It looks like Mike isn't in our dimension anymore!


Our cousin played Katie. Been looking forward to this for a while.


I was wondering how long it would take for them to insert a clip of Tarantino yelling at an interviewer. Didn't expect the answer to be immediately.

James Murphy

Maybe Denis Villeneuve might be last great director


It's Tarantino's reimagining of The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss.


I'm really excited for Untitled Burt Reynolds Comeback Vehicle in Tarantino's Phase 5.

Marvin Falz

That Gordon Cole impression made me think of my recent obsessive compulsive 2001: A Space Odyssey disorder, where I was seeing monoliths everywhere. Now I see Twin Peaks references everywhere. My point is, while I like many of Tarantino's movies, and especially the story around the fake Ezekiel verse as its meaning changes along with Jules changing his mind, Tarantino movies aren't fascinating me. I wonder though - looking around the dead serious world of today - if the world is not in need of many more films (art in general), to take away power from contemporary real life characters, which shouldn't have power.

Lauren R

I have issues with the third act, which you guys more or less touch on. But I would absolutely watch the shit out of the misadventures of Rick and Cliff filming spaghetti westerns in Italy.


This is the first time Mr. Plinkett has been mentioned in months, I hope he makes an appearance soon.


I mean there are tons of great directors. I guess they mean crossover of commercial appeal and artistic value?


I’m so glad someone is still making 18 rated films. I want films for grown ups.


Pretty sure there's more with Tate he cut from the film. His cameo included.


I'm new to patreon and just wanted to give all of you a big hug from Montreal. Thank you for entertaining me!


Tarantino needs to keep making movies so there can be a Steve Guttenberg renaissance. A girl can hope.


I knew enough about the Manson family to expect were this movie is going. For some reason when Leo walks up the hill in the very end to join his neighbours this felt like the most genuine happy end i ever... literally felt. It was not like goosebumps, more like a shiver running all over my body. There is something very special in this movie even if it might feel like a bunch of fun scenes on the other end.


Saw it. Loved it.


Saw it today, really good! And lots of dirty feets https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4960279/mediaviewer/rm1748013825