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Rich and Mike's The Rise of Skywalker Predictions Video

A little late to the game? NO! We've got until December to pointlessly speculate on the last of the "Skywalker saga" films!!! Mike has a crazy plot prediction and Rich has some ideas on how Palpatine can come back. Enjoy, friends!!



Me personally, I'm VERY excited for this video. Very cool.

Andre K

Haven't seen it yet but I know I'll love it. 🤔🤪🖖👏👏👏

Mike St Louis

Good video. Always entertaining to see you guys. My prediction: this will be a SW film I skip out on entirely. SW is dead to me but I’m okay with that. Non of these Disney films have interested me except maybe Rogue 1.


Mike you're probably right - and it's horrible.


SW->GoT Theory: The sexual tension between Rey and Kylo is weird b/c it's incest. Luke/Leia is practically canon, so fuck it. I mean, if time travel's on the table, what are the odds Luke pulled a Ben Kenobi and split up some Solo twins, and Han and Leia got a mind wipe?


When you said the Emperor's body was burnt to a crisp, it got me thinking. Anakin was also horribly burned and that's how we got the Darth Vader suit. Imagine the Emperor being so burned that he puts on a Darth Vader suit. It could be the fan-service-est thing ever.


Luke fuses with Emperor, rises in evil. Is the galaxy doomed? No, because KyloRey finally fuse in family love, balance the Skywalker chakras, and we can all go home.


Rey Does have experience in scavaging Imperial Tech...


I kind of wish they were instead analyzing the trailer for Knives Out, and just said it was Rise of Skywalker.


I hope some SW fan with artistic talent can give us a visualization of corpse-Palpatine being worshipped by corrupted ewoks now. That idea itself is better than anything Disney has put forward.


Oh my God... Mike's theory could be exactly right. Maybe it's a reset button so they can go back and do the Timothy Zahn books like they should have done from the beginning.


Time travel as a force power was setup in that Rebels cartoon... after Last Jedi came out, if memory serves. Maybe Lucasfilm has been planning to retcon things for awhile 🤪


In the Vader's Castle series of comics that came out last yearish, there is an Ewok death cult. PLEASE BE THIS IN THE MOVIES.


With the MCU, someone obviously game-planned the entire thing, or at least the broad structure of it. There was a fucking *map*, written by people who knew what they were doing and who were all on the same page. Here we've got people making shit up as they go along with no long term plan for how it should all fit together. Fuck it, I'm out.


Rich is perfection in this video. Also this time travel plot will 100% happen.


I want to start a band named Ewok Death Cult


It should be noted (If it hasn’t already) that JJ Abrams first show, Felicity, finished its run with a multi- episode time travel story.


Maybe it's not just Palatine who will possess Kylo Ren? Maybe Luke the White ™ will be possessing Daisy Ridley so we can get a proxy Emperor v Luke battle? Oh dear


Remember when the original Battlestar Galactica ran out of both ideas and budget, and ended up on Earth in Galactica 1980? How about Star Wars' Rey & co. go through a portal and find themselves in a mortuary in 1979 California, where the Tall Man has been making Jawas. Imagine lightsabers vs. chrome balls! The Tall Man is a Sith Lord!

Marvin Falz

The rebellion travels back to a time where they're unhindered by the Sith/First Order. (We'll see a chronometer running backwards, as if time was matter like water driving a mill, as seen in TOS, The Naked Time.) The rebellion influences people in key positions in businesses to get their own Death Star built. They time travel back, so that the audience gets their 30 minutes long fight scene, as Mike suggested in a commentary track(?), of good Death star against evil Death Star.


oh, oh, the evil ewoks have lost their fur... They look like orks now (which were just elves turned to the dark side) so it would fit perfectly for the LOTR analogue. Something like this: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--z5fckGE2--/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1379615924254271591.jpg

Robert Daniel Pickard

The Endor Holocaust is a funny, very dry analysis of what would have happened to the planet after the Death Star exploded in it's face. https://www.theforce.net/swtc/holocaust.html


that's gonna be some glorious mess even if only half of that stuff is true. If it wasn't for RLM I would no longer care for Star wars after the prequels at all


Why are we so quick to assume that they would want to backtrack The Last Jedi? The film was a massive success outside the world of YouTube commenters and 4Channers.

Adam Dukovich

I think it was polarizing. Definitely some people liked it but then Solo underperformed right after it, which is usually a sign people didn’t like the last one. Though with Solo there was also bad buzz and it was too soon after Last Jedi.

Adam Dukovich

The more I think about it, the more the time travel ending just makes too much sense. These movies are made for people who figuratively want to go back in time to back when they first saw these movies, when they played with the toys. Having Rey and Fin interact with CGI recreations of young Luke and Leia et al is probably exactly what they want. It’s why people have a surprising amount of goodwill for Rogue One even though it’s trash without a story or characters, and it’s hard for them to even identify elements they like about it. Because what they like about it is that you have all these old Star Wars characters and ships and props floating around. It’s pure nostalgia and that’s all anybody wants out of this franchise anymore, seemingly. All they have to do is to rip off the structure of X-Men: Days of Future Past (or Blackadder Back and Forth, which has the same plot) and have the characters go to a couple of moments in the first three films. The fans would love it. So, yeah, gotta be time travel. Also, having Abrams direct the last chapter is just asking for trouble. You hire Mr. Mystery Box to get your party started, not to wrap it up.


Mike and Rich have to put on this front that they're sick of Star Wars but deep down, I think they love it considering the boon it is for their channel every time a Star Wars movie is on the horizon. Mike was so secretly giddy during this that he was breaking into Palpatine, I bet he has like 20 videos planned for Episode 9 including Plinkett, Half in the Bag, Nerd Crew, etc. and I'm not even counting this or the "Nobody's Ever Really Gone" video.


I think the time travel idea is horribly plausible. If they can get to Kylo pre-Snoke, they can stop Luke from considering killing him, turn him to the light, stop the First Order having powerful Force leaders, stop Han from dying, and stop all those Rebels from dying in TLJ. And the big sacrifice will be Finn agreeing to go back as a stormtrooper, where Rey knows he’s such a good guy that he’ll still find a way to turn good again.


Rey and Finn will contact Luke via an ouija board and he will send them back in time to save Laura Palmer.


this all sounds far too optimistic; I'm worried they'll plumb for the nuclear option: the inevitable Marvel crossover


You guys were awesome once again keep up the good work!


Disney Star Wars will never be canon. Just because you own the legal rights to Tolkien, doesn't mean you can create The Lord of the Rings 2 and then get call it official.


The difference is that Lord of the Rings was completely conceived and executed by 1 individual. Star Wars was collaborative by many writers, directors, actors and technicians. So why stop the collaborating?


This makes me so sad, I'm going to rewatch it while getting shitfaced. Its like seeing a relative die of 18 different cancers all at the same time. You love em, but want to put them out of their misery. I love star wars as I grew up with it in the 80's and 90's. But what I've seen happen to it since Epi 1. It just keeps getting worse and worse as its no longer about the story.


Something I haven't seen anyone mention with the time travel thing is the fact of the 7 republic planets being destroyed in the first one. That would be a major thing to fix in a time reversal, and would be a believable route for how they bring the rebellion back from the brink and back into control of the galaxy after the first order is broken, since right now its literally like 4 people and a spaceship.


The more I think about it, the more plausible it seems. Consider that if they go back in time they can just reuse Leia footage. And then kill her off at a convenient time.

James E Carrey

We know Luke was powerful enough to force project in front of Kylo and the first order and Leia and all the rebels. If we are now accepting this as a reality, how do we not know they’re going to write that the Emperor only force projected his death and actually was safe in another room? It sounds stupid, but not too stupid for the writers of Granny’s Peach Tea and Aquabro’s high flying bug circus.


C3PO has no red arm in the teaser. Does that mean something?


The most anticipated video of all time


I say bring on the shit-show, the crazier the better. Using RLM's "what's the dumbest thing that could happen" prediction model, I believe there will be not one, but two Emperors. Also, Han Solo had a fall-down-a-thing "death," so obviously he's not really gone (one could argue that no one is ever really gone). So yeah, I'm going with two Emperors and the return of Han Solo.


I just hear the White Fire music every time Mike and Rich exchange predictions.


Is it wrong that I'm looking more forward to the HitB, Plinkett Review, etc. reactions to the Rise of Skywalker than the film itself? Mike's "HAVE YOU SEEN STAR WARS?" during the Last Jedi HitB or Rich's AT-ST's dance always gets a laugh out of me.