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Hey everyone. Heads up the next video we have coming out is a re:View of John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness with Jay and Colin. That will be up later this week. We shot several re:Views and a Best of the Worst while the Canadians were in town but it'll be a little while before more come out since we also have a Star Wars prediction video with Mike and Rich that is shot and going to be edited soon as well as another Best of the Worst with Macaulay Culkin AND another special Best of the Worst we're filming today! It's been a while since we've had this much stuff shot all at once and waiting to be edited. So we're taking a little break from Half in the Bag to focus on all this stuff (we haven't seen Spider Man and honestly don't really care about it, Midsommar is okay but not great). So I think that's it for now byeeeeee



That’s too bad Re: Spider-Man. I thought it was going to be an afterthought after Endgame, but it actually was more decent than it should have been.


I had a lot of issues with the direction and script for Spider-man but I can't find anyone who agrees with me

Steven Simmons

I love "In the Mouth of Madness". I think there are so many smart, little things that film does I hardly see it given credit for.


I always thought Mike or Jay's commentary or analysis is always spot on with whatever they talk about. But I guess I'm just gonna get more Best of the Worst garbage... Whatever fuck it WE GOT BAGELS. WHOO!


Spider-Man is definitely a fun watch, can recommend it (especially for that first post credits scene). However, I always prefer your other stuff over Half in the Bag anyway, so it's fine. I thought there was another special Best of the Worst coming out this week too, but I guess I misunderstood and you are only filming it this week. Anyway, can't wait to see it! :)

John and Marcella

Mac teased Roar (you thought we missed that didn't you you cheeky buggers) so I hope that's his next BotW.

Joshua Mannix

Do you guys actually hangout with the Canadians when they're down or do you chain them to the wheel of misfortune until you get all the videos you need out of them?

Rick Drake

It's really nice to hear you're avoiding superhero movies, finally.


I'm eagerly awaiting for the clickbait thumbnail of the new prediction video. I'm gonna porg that shit so hard


tbh I'm surprised y'all found Midsommar to just be okay


I quit Superhero movies before even you guys did, so I totally understand. I've been trying to go back and watch films I missed/never heard about and haven't been too excited by anything new recently.


Can't wait to hear who you think from Star Wars is not actually gone!


Great the see Macaulay Culkin will be back on an RLM episode soon! And I love *Mouth of Madness" with the sort of fervor ordinarily found only in Vulcans gone full-bore into pon farr.


Also, RLM: do you think they will have a story in Episode IX, or stick with VIII's slapdash vignettes and skits of tangential relation to each other (let alone the previous films)?

Manuel Johnen

Carpenter's last truely great movie... <3


Oh thats so great. One of my favorite "Lovecraftian" Movies. Looking forward to your discussion about it.

Andre K

Embarrassment of Riches. I love it!


Yeah, fuck Spider-man


Do you read Sutter Cane?


I tried but it made me a little crazy. I woke up one cell down from John Trent.

Lauren R

Ooooh great! The Re:View on The Thing was one of the best you guys have done! Carpenter films make for really good discussions.

Marvin Falz

My prediction for the new Star Wars is that they'll finally declare that men are sith (or tshi or whatever) while the women are jedi. Finally, Star Wars makes sense! :-) ALL


I would've liked to have seen what you thought of Disney's Marvel's Sony's Spider-Man 2 Vol. 3 of the MCU as presented by Disney since you guys loved Disney's Marvel's Sony's Spider-Man 1 Vol. 3 of the MCU as presented by Disney.


That's the third Carpenter Re:view!!! Being him one of my favorite directors now I feel so validated! TAKE THAT, MOM!


I just bought In The Mouth Of Madness last week and it's going to be delivered this week. My boyfriend and I have never seen it but he likes Sam Neill and I like John Carpenter so we are both excited to watch it. Gonna have to resist the urge to watch the Re:view until we watch the movie. That might be tough.


Me personally, I loved Rise of Skywalker HD Trailer.


How can I have an opinion about Spider-Man if Rich doesn't give me one?


Poor Rich - He had to watch STD Season 2 and now has to give predictions for yet another Star Wars movie. Hopefully he can sneak a Cannon film in somewhere!


good luck! i have yet to fill my educational movie quota for life so i might as well start soon... 😭 such good recommendations my head's gonna puke, but i'ma be sustained for the coming Toronto Winter... 😈 ♡


Oh man, I was really looking forward to that Half in the Bag episode on Far from Home and Midsommar. Also, I'm not buying the "break" from Half in the Bag, that would require you guys to not do an episode on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood which I don't think Jay is capable of doing.


In The Mouth of Madness is so good, can't wait for that re:View.


I was looking forward to the HITB of Far from home :)


I hope you guys do "Prince of Darkness", too. The apocalypse trilogy is fucking awesome.


R.I.P Rip Torn...


Is this written by Jay? I think it's Jay...

Mike St Louis

I was hoping RLM would be at San Diego Comic Con. I’d stop by and say hello.


Would love to see a new edition of The Nerd Crew sometime soon, very cool! Also Macaulay Culkin fucking sucks

Twisted Wishes

Not to add to your burdens, but if I could make a personal plea; could you guys do a commentary track for one of the Kelvin timeline films? It has been a decade since the 2009 film and it would be fascinating hearing your opinions on how it compares too/lead to discovery; Into Darkness would be hilarious, your Half in the Bag review of it is still one of the funniest ever so seeing you tear it a few new ones would be entertaining; and Beyond, while far from perfect, is still a good movie and the best Star Trek we have had in almost 15 years (also a great example of how you can have more action in Star Trek without it making you feel dumber because Alex Kurtzman isnt writing it) and it might inspire more people to see it.


Sad truth? I wish they could all be Best of the Worsts. All of them. Every one. One a day. So not heartbroken.


Crap, I just bet my friend that you'd love midsommar. Son of a gun.


Give 'I am mother' a watch


Far from Home would have been a good Rich and Jack episode