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Hey, we just shot a Half in the Bag episode for the new Child's Play! After that, we'll hopefully be putting out the Star Trek Discovery season 2 discussion as well as a new Black Spine episode of Best of the Worst. We're also busy planning an incoming visit from the Canadians so the release of things may get changed around a bit but that's the general plan for the next week or so!



You guys are busy!!!

Blake R.

is the Black Spine BOTW the one that the Culk recorded on or was I mistaken in thinking there was another upcoming vid with him?


Mike, have you started growing your beard yet?


Hurry up, you hacks!


We filmed another one with him but it won't be released for a while because we want to vary up whose involved with episodes.


When is Len coming back!! You have more of his movies to catch up on


Bless you, gentlemen.

Kjellbjørn Åsmo

Giddy-up on that Discovery season 2 discussion you hacks!


Ok I just rewatched Star Trek the Motion Picture. Damn that is a better movie then I remember from my youth 😂


I am very ready for a discussion about the Star Trek series I didn't watch. This is the only Star Trek series I care about now.


I hope that black spine episode comes sooner rather than later. I just love Best of the Worst.


This announcement makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


Yeah. And they could send a letter inviting Neil Breen, as well.


Why not have a half in the bag about chernobyl?


They broke their only-movies rule for Stranger Things, they should do the same for something actually really good.


Wow, people saying Child's Play (2019) is actually solid, didn't expect that.


So good of you to have the Canadians back. Especially during Pride Month. That's their time/


What? Even Angry Joe thought it was garbage and he's pretty nearly a human vegetable.


Really looking forward to all the things. Thanks guys.


The Black Spine editions of BOTW have been the source of much stomach wrenching laughter from me. The level of compensation, creatively, that I imagine must go into the full discussions of those ridiculously bad videos has been freaking hilarious. They're such a wildcard too so I can only think they'd be a pain to shoot if things were to go south. I'm personally stoked for this next one, it's looking juicy and very possibly horrifying. And cheers to the crew, you're all walking through literal shit for our entertainment 😂😭😂😭😂 love you guys ♡

Dave Pallas

Awesome! Have a great weekend!

Zach Dewoody

I pay 25 cents per month on this Patreon kerjigger and I demand new content every week!


Badass, good work fellas.


More re:View please!




Awesome! Looking forward to all of it.


Such exciting news! I feel like a junkie always waiting for the next fix.


When are you turning "The Canadians" into a sitcom? Colin and Jim are roommates: Colin is fun but a tad obnoxious and Jim is grounded and pessimistic. Slowly but surely, through a series of misadventures taking place in both Toronto and Milwaukee, they start to turn their lives around.


I love you guys have all your albums