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It's finally ready! After months of work, I'm happy to announce that the first real taste of THE OTHER TOWN is complete!

It's only an animatic, so animation is, at times, limited. But hopefully this will garner a lot more interest in the project! I believe in us!

Featuring an original score by Paul Michael Cardon.


$5+ patrons are getting early access to the video! If you are seeing this before September 9th, please do not share this link anywhere publicly yet, as it will be unlisted until then and the final release may be edited.

If any patrons who see their name in the credits want it changed, please DM me! But after the 9th, no more adjustments will be going into effect.

Thank you all so much! Your support for this project is what will get it fully produced one day!


THE OTHER TOWN - Cold Open (Animatic)

"A girl named Spike, armed with a magic squirtgun, faces off with a mysterious entity in another world..." Animatic for the cold open of THE OTHER TOWN's pilot episode, developed by Marcy Bones. THE OTHER TOWN is a story about regaining a sense of self after loss, the transition between and pressures of childhood and adulthood, and navigating trauma. It's also about people fighting eyeball demons with magic squirtguns. It follows Spike McCaulkey, an antisocial 15 year old with too much baggage and just one friend, as she grows past her past and into adulthood and learns to reach out to others and let others reach out to her, bringing an entire city together to combat a reality-defying threat. Sign up to support the project at: https://www.patreon.com/theOtherTown


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