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Hey y'all! It's been a bit!

As advertised on twitter, the animatic for the OTHER TOWN pilot's cold opening is going to be released soon! First, here on Patreon as an unlisted video that $5+ patrons will get early access to, and then, probably a week later, it'll get a public release!

Everyone who has donated $5+ since the OT Patreon page first went up (even if you later deleted or reduced your pledge) will have their Patreon username listed in the special thanks section of the upcoming video's credits! If you would prefer I list a different name, please reach out to me via Patreon's messaging system or via e-mail at MarcyBones64@gmail.com

If you send an email, please be sure to tell me what your Patreon username is so that I can know what name to replace!

I was expecting to release the animatic before June, but what with everything in the world being as it is currently, we've had some delay. Rest assured however, it will be released soon! It's like, 90% of the way there!

As always, thank you so much for your support of the project! Any interest in THE OTHER TOWN at all means the world to me, and keeps the ball rolling!


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