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Usually i like to use my time to build up the next comics.

But it would be interesting to share with you a feeling that im sure every creator has, so take a look

Creation starts in the mind, you get a vision of what will be amazing, you turn it, flip it and twist it until it brings the best out of itself, you know it should work well because you know what you can do and you know your audience and what they like.

Then we get to work, planning every single detail, move to sketching, coloring, revising, this takes a lot of work, which we have no complains about.

After the work is complete and ready to go on air, i take a look, and the only thing i feel is nothing. 

I have worked it out so much, that i can't tell if the idea is even good at all!

Im not talking about the execution, of course- faces could be done better, maybe invest more in detailing, more panels, less panels, whatever... the idea is the point.

So, we work our self out to create, and than have no idea if it is good or not, the only way we can have an idea is if you, the reader, will leave a feedback of any sort.

Like, comment, message, whatever, you can leave negative comments if you dislike something, it's never personal. and it goes a long way in helping us create stuff that you would like more, because we can't feedback ourselves, only you can.

So if you read down so far, i encourage you to be more engaged, and help us create the next best thing in this niche.

Thanks for reading,



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