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Really running late on this one, but a day and some change should be good enough to get a reading. Theme of this stream is fanart of fellow artists' OCs, something-something thankful they exist I guess. Multivote poll, pick however many you'd like, I'll provide links for reference if anyone's unfamiliar:

NAZE's Narita: https://twitter.com/NAZENANI3634/status/1179881856671502337
Fluffernubber's Molly (left) and Holly (right): https://www.deviantart.com/fluffernubber/art/It-s-Not-Gay-if-the-Boobs-Don-t-Touch-792099715
IcyMasamune's Barria (on the left), and also her default outfit sans boobs for some reason: https://twitter.com/icymasamune/status/1186673734293188611 https://twitter.com/icymasamune/status/1154916875131707393
Junkpuyo's Beryl, the Milf Who Never Had Kids: https://twitter.com/junkpuyo/status/1116809067639365633
Doof's Holly: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/412071251482509323/423275555350249474/Holly.jpg
SaburoX's Pay-tan: https://www.deviantart.com/saburox/art/Round-Things-For-Views-806437817



I-I voted for almost all of them, I'm sorry, hope you draw them all to be honest ;w;


Narita, cuz GUN GIRL!


I cast a vote on [REDACTED], but here's hoping ;;w;;


[REDACTED] is best girl, after all.