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Things get worse before they get better, at least that's what they say. The doctor treated me, saying that my condition was compounded by fungal infections, and prescribed me a topical ointment and some preventive measures. However, while I followed them in order I forgot to keep talcum applied between ointment applications to prevent moisture from sweat, so that combined with the raw, exposed skin after the pumice stone scrub caused a rather sudden onset of cellulitis, or acute bacterial skin infection. I'm on antibiotics and painkillers now, and my fever's died down substantially so that's a marked improvement. The blisters on my feet had to be lanced and cleaned, so that was an adventure, but as long as I maintain my upkeep I should be back in the saddle in about a week. It seems I've lost several patrons, and rightfully so as I haven't been generating nearly enough content these past few months, but to those who stuck with me in spite of it I'd like to say thank you so much for helping me through this. ^^


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