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Lucy: Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have spent my clothing allowance on manga again...and maybe this bra's getting a little...long in the tooth...but if I just go without, since I never leave the house anyway--

Caretaker: "I know what you're thinking, and no, you're not gonna go without underwear just 'cause you're a shut-in who spends her clothing allowance on books."

Lucy: Mindreader!

Caretaker: "Just get dressed, we're going shopping. I'll pay for it this time, maybe trim up that mop while we're at it."

Lucy: *defeated* "Yeah, alright..."


What do you do when you'd rather do dentistry on yourself with rusty pliers than draw hands? HIDE THEM BEHIND BOOBS! HAHAHAHA I'M FUCKIN' INVINCIBLE--yeah, not really, but fuckin' hands, mates...

Also yes, she is wearing Underoos, the nerd.




This time, spend the extra money on bras with the Cavorite (tm) treatment. The patented weight-reduction technology eases the stress on your back and shoulders, and the strain on the bra straps!


The struggles are real x3 Smol nerd yee~