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I'm gonna be honest with y'all here: I'm really well and truly anxious I'm not doing enough, or at the very least worried I'm giving the impression that I'm taking your money and running, at least for the 2 dollar tier given I'm more closely in contact with my 5 dollar and up patrons thanks to Discord, so here's what I'm thinking: I'll upload incomplete pieces like this one more often as a sort of progress check instead of waiting way too long to do the big reveal with finished pieces (seriously, most of these drawings take me multiple days of total work time with how slow I am, but I'm getting better, learning some new keyboard shortcuts and such that should help me shave off more time as I practice them), then I'll update them later down the line when they're finished up, there's a feature that notifies y'all if I check the box so no one should miss out when that happens, we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, followup of sorts to that Vicky on the phone pic earlier. Erin invited Vicky out to a pool party/barbecue, but she had to pass because of a tech convention that was happening. When the part was in swing, Erin shot her a text:

"Yo, Vicks! Guess who not only made it to the party, but showed up *wearing a freakin' bikini, dude!*"

...obviously Vicky couldn't pass up the opportunity. She hates rushing tech, especially prototypes, but her hand was forced and so she deployed her gynoid interface to attend. How she got it halfway across the world in such short notice is a mystery, rockets may or may not have been involved.

Oh, also happy Pride Month. I tried to get the bisexual flag colors in there, but they're a little out of order. ^^;

edit: 'bout as done as it's gonna get.




Goood stuff, no harm in WIP'ing things so everyone can see :3