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To be fair, it was well on its way out for awhile now, I was just making due with the broken adjustable piston thing and impacted padding by sitting on a pile of pillows, but somehow three of the five wheels snapped off and at that point I might as well be sitting on the floor with one butt cheek on a hardback copy of the Vampire Chronicles. New chair should be in on Sunday, but until then, I'm kinda fucked for art.  Currently sitting on a bar stool that's taller than my desk is, and that's reaaaally not gonna work unless I want to kill my back.  If I find a clever solution before Friday/Saturday's scheduled stream I'll let you guys know, otherwise it's rescheduled for Sunday, sorry for the inconvenience, fuck this is one of the stupidest excuses as far as speed bumps go...


Stelard Actek

Lol, chairs happen. It'll be fine. :)


RIP Chair ;;