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 "...okay, I'm a grown-ass ___ year old. I'm lonely. I have needs. If people didn't use them, there wouldn't be an industry...but where do I even start?"

--An hour of browsing later--

"Why are they all either wolves, dragons, or covered in spikes...oh, this one looks normal. Generate 1:1 scale model preview." tech noises "...NOPE."

...dildo shopping's hard.  Badum tiss.




Error, Vicky has shut down =w=;


XD I am surprised that with her knowledge she didn't just shape and 3d print her own one :-p


Time to visit the local Farmer's Market!


To be fair, it would be something that'd require a silicone injection mold, which up to this point she really wouldn't have much use for. Besides, need a basis/sample before reverse engineering. ;U


True but she could get the dimensions from the demo then scale them back, use a 3d printer to make a solid hollow version and then use that as a mold for the silicone :P Sorry too much free time to think XD