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"Green Pinky" - Adjusting to civilian life has been hard for Natsuki.  They say that taking care of something can give you a sense of purpose, but she was skeptical of this whole gardening thing at first.  When the first seeds started to germinate, however, she started to worry more about her vegetables than herself when she was pregnant with the twins.


"It's Funny 'Cause She's a Mother of Two" - There's nothing wrong nor lacking in her marriage, but she still has anxieties of not trying hard enough and goes off deciding things on her own again.  Ironically, the only person in the building whom she wanted to see that little article she got on sale to tempt her untemptable husband
was the only person in the building whom didn't get to see it, file corrupted indeed.  Least her kids and employees approve.



GIJ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-05 21:32:03 Determined little momma >:3 She will protec ^^
2017-09-12 23:23:00 Determined little momma >:3 She will protec ^^

Determined little momma >:3 She will protec ^^