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Hey everyone,

Didn't have as much of a productive week as I wanted. This week is also going to be a little slow. I'm just slammed in the day job leaving me a bit burnt out at the moment. I'll get back the energy but yeah running slower than I'd like.

So I've put together several templates in the new system. But obviously I'm still in the early stages of working with new writers so they won't be ready to pick them up just yet.

What I think I'll do is try and use some of the templates to set up some interactions and events within the arcade fun zone in the mall. It's a nice self contained area so I think I can create a few fun interactions that I can put in there.

If I use the existing templates / the new system then I should be able to use them as an example for these kinds of events going forwards.

I'm also going to look at adding the ability for your character to diaper another character. This is something obviously I haven't been 100 percent able to support just yet. This is for a similar reason to why I wasn't able to save and load an NPC like the player.

NPC characters don't have an internal inventory for outfit and accessory ext. They also don't save their changes. However, with the new saved NPC's I MIGHT be able to make it so you could dress up or change the outfit of another character. This is a pretty interesting idea.

So I could put in some interactions where you are in control / the caregiver. I was thinking something like "using" an item of clothing or diaper while facing a character.

This is a very early thought process and I don't know if it's possible. But I MIGHT be able to make it so you could give Clair a new outfit or Belle a different diaper or something like that. It's a sorta fun idea or way to interact with other characters in the game. If that works I could then save the new / updated visuals for that character with the new outfit.

I'm going to start looking into it because like customizing your room being able to give your friends clothes ext. it would give you another way to help the world feel like you were living and breathing in it!

That's all for now I'm going to start working on some sequences for the Arcade in the new system and see if I can't make interacting and dressing up other characters a thing.


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