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Wow so I'm back to normal. I have no idea what that was all about. But I do not want to be that sick again. Right so I'm back to work. It took me a little bit to get back up to speed. Sorry for the couple weeks of downtime. Very annoying when this stuff happens. Between work, being sick and just life stuff I've been feeling very slow the last couple months. I hope with a little more energy I can pick up the pace and get back where I want to be.

I finished cutting out the old non working other world stuff. I'm still upset at how badly that all broke but I can always come back to it later. For the moment I'm back to doing some writing. I'm also being reminded of just how slow I am at writing.  

I've started researching writers and looking at reaching out to new writers. Hopefully I'll find someone in the next couple months. It would be a great help and I can focus on the stuff I'm good at. I sorta hope I can find someone to focus on the post game sequences so it doesn't all fall to me.

No new features for the moment. I've got some new figments to build and mostly dialogue to write. I'm going to be working on that for the next week. But at least I'm back to normal and no longer out of action.



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