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Hey everyone,

So quick post on some of the stuff I've been working on.

Basically as before some of the main quest stuff and other world bits. It's a little slow going because the University is the final area but is also one of the most difficult so a semi transformation is a little complex. It's working but there are a bunch of edge cases.

I've also started on some boss fight stuff.

Very early so far and I need to do some interesting things in this fight so it's going to be a tricky one.

I also put together a bunch of bags for storage.

The bags have a variety of different sizes and I'm thinking of the best place to put them on sale. My thinking is maybe the store in the Beach as that's probably a point in the story when you'll want extra inventories? I was going to have them in the arcade but that feels like it might be too late.

Anyway that's all for now I'm going to get back to work.



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