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Hey everyone, I had a bit of a hectic week. Unfortunately I didn't get as much time to work on everything I wanted to.

I'm currently working on a combo of some figment stuff along with a few new areas. Most of the figment's have been built and designed but I need to time create all the  particle effects and visuals. Once that's done then I'll need to balance. Although I'll probably do that based on feedback.

The new area's are progressing. They are mostly short story locations that probably won't have a long term role. Although one might be somewhere you can return to.

So basically I'm building some environments, figments, special powers at the moment. That will probably be my main tasks for the next couple weeks. But I'll make sure to post images of whatever I'm working on!

That's all for now I hope to have some more cool images next week!




I really really really need to hurry up and buy a new computer just looking at all the stuff looks so cool I really wanna play it


Just started your game and I love it! Hope stories will continue soon, and the possibility to interact more with Claire as Caregiver (get tucked in, get fed, playing, etc). Great work!


littleington-university-windows-64.zip 1 GB Version 39 66 days ago when do you renew it I know bug fixes are no fun but you have fixes bug for now to renew game and i love your game so fix bug and love your game so everyone can see good game

john n

im not sure if there are any Major Bugs in the current build that need addressing immediately. gauche is working on the next update thats why its taking a long time. although personally i rather have small but quicker updates then one big update after 3-4months. but at the end of the day its up to gauche how he wants to do the updates so all we can do is wait.


Honestly I would love smaller more frequent updates too. I keep taking on too many big things at once. The lab was a great example part of why it took so long is I added all the ABDL interactions. My hope is one I get the main quest line done I can add side quests and content at a faster rate. These will likely be much smaller and simpler but much faster to release.

john n

Honestly take all the time you need gauche. You've made a great game don't need to rush it I can wait